Saturday, July 10, 2010

Heading Home

7:15 am

It is early Saturday morning and the team is up and about. We are all packing, cleaning and preparing for a 10 am departure. That's when our drivers will take us to the airport. Our plane does not leave until late tonight; close to midnight in fact. 

The targeted projects at Wasilla First have been completed and significant changes have indeed been made around this buiding. 

The VBS week ended with First Church sponsoring a booth at Palmer's Farmer's Market. We provided crafts and face-painting for kids. A line formed on one side and smiling kids came out the other side. It was a great way to alert the community of the new location of Palmer UMC. A post card announcement of the change was also created and handed out at the event.

The last nine days have moved quickly. The First Church family can be proud of the way its wandering missionaries represented our entire church. Relationships have been forged and impressions made. Here are some of the visual impressions of this journey to Alaska.


It is almost 10 pm in the Anchorage airport. We got here 11 hours ago and still have three more hours to log before our flight departs. Our post midnight takeoff will cap the last in a line of long days that weave together to create a very productive and memorable extended week.

As I tap away, the First Church crew is sprawled in a variety of states that range from mouth-open sleep to wide-eyed wakefulness. I find myself somewhere in between. I am typing, but I know there are not many words left in my fingers. Instead I will fall back on the old saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words". Here are some images of the team you helped send to the people of the Wasilla and Palmer, United Methodist Churches.

Thank you and farewell to the land of the midnight sun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved reading the blog even though it was after the fact! It was a great example of being Jesus to others with skin on! AWESOME! The photos were breath taking as well! Thanks!