Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July

The First Church Team spent the July 4th morning in church. How appropriate! We attended the first-ever service in the all new Palmer United Methodist Church in downtown Palmer. It was a privilege to be part of this inaugural event of stirring music and inspiring messages. VBS will run Tuesday - Friday in the sanctuary. The team has been and still is preparing for this community-wide event. We also attended the morning service at Christ First Church followed by a time of meeting and greeting in the new-look kitchen.
Tracy and Paula won the prize for shooting the first native wildlife. On their way to pick up Robbie at the Anchorage Airport, they spotted a mama moose & daughter (son?) next to the highway.
Shortly after noon we departed for the make-yourself-at-home hospitality of Jeff and Ann Robison. Our 4th of July B-B-Q was followed by a rubber duck race (Adam's ducky won) and a slip-slidy hike along the muddy flanks of the Palmer Hay Flats.
We never did figure out the where and how 4th of July Fireworks work in this land where the sun seldom sets.