Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Another Project Day!

Monday was another project day in both Wasilla and Palmer. After our holiday together the team split to the four winds. The VBS team was up early and off to the weed fields. Then it was on to Palmer for the final prep day.

The construction crew tore into another new project requiring strong backs (and weak minds?). Pastor Robert asked me to target Friday for completion of a brochure and web site for Palmer. I mostly worked on graphic elements for the site. Most importantly, Diane stoked the home fires, coming up with a spaghetti dinner that had us all raving!

Now, on the Tuesday morning, the Wasilla Church is mostly quiet with the VBS team doing VBS and the construction guys picking up additional supplies to finish off the wheel-chair ramp, button up the kitchen trim work and get ready to lay a new tire floor in the foyer. I have picked out a template for Palmer's web site and will be challenged trying to figure out how to populate it with stuff!

Thank all of your for your contributions to this ongoing project. Your donations have gone a long way in both completing projects and fostering goodwill. When I check the blog this morning, I noted that 176 visitors had checked in. We have had visits from Washington, Alaska, California, New Mexico, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, and Virginia. Good news travels fast!

(Don't Forget - this blog works two-ways...you can leave us a love note!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A tire floor eh? Is that how the Alaskans do it? hehe.. :-)